Random stuff heard around the house

Archive for March, 2015

Two Funny Email Conversations

Rich sends me a story about that guy leaving One Direction.

Me: You do know it’s One Republic I like, right?


Me: Can you print this? I am out of color ink, yo.

I sent it to Dr. Pepper (had a $5 gift card for Walmart) instead of Rich

Dr. Pepper: The coupon can be printed in black and white. If not, let us know and provide a mailing address.

Me: That was meant to go to my husband. I apologize for my unprofessional email.

Lifetime Movie Conversation

Me to Rich: I’m going to pour water all over you if you fall asleep again during the TV show.

Rich: You know what’ll happen if you do?

Me: You mean like a Lifetime movie type thing? Or some kind of regular thing?
