Random stuff heard around the house

Archive for June, 2012

Chilvary is Dead Conversation

So we are getting ready to head out to the beach to check out Tropical Storm Debbie and since I slept late, it’s already pouring. Rich got himself a jacket and headed to the truck. When I opened the door too, the rain was coming down in buckets so I grabbed a jacket too. When I got in the truck I saw a second jacket. Later we were at the pier and got ready to leave and he used the second jacket to cover up the camera bag.

Me: Wait a minute, did you really leave without getting me a jacket?

Rich: I thought you’d grab one.

Me: And did you really grab a jacket just for the camera bag?? Really? You didn’t get me one but you got the camera bag a jacket? Are you kidding me?

Rich: The camera can get damaged in the rain, you won’t.

Me: OMG!


Torture Porn Conversation

I had rented a movie from Netflix called Mother’s Day. I was worried it would be too depressing because home invasions disturb me more than any other type of horror. The satanic ones scare me more but disturbing? It’s all about home invasions and senseless murders. Earlier yesterday I had been watching Little House on the Prairie.

Me: I’m wondering if this might be too depressing to watch. From what I hear, it’s pretty bleak and violent.

Rich: No more depressing than Little House on the Prairie.

Me: What is depressing about Little House?

Rich: Some miner caught on fire and Pa was giving a speech and everyone was crying.

Me: Yeah but I doubt Little House has torture porn in it.


Not Your Girlfriend Conversation

We had some errands to do this afternoon and one of them was at CVS. There was a truck parked across from us with a huge chalk writing that said, “RON PAUL 2012.” I was about to make a comment about how I didn’t think that was going to happen when the driver got out of the truck. Said driver looked quite good from the back and Rich made a comment about him being the guy from So You Think You Can Dance.

Me: I’m not sure, I can only see from the back.

As we walk into the store he’d forgotten something and was heading back by us. He smiled and…

me: Not bad at all! (in my head I’m saying, “OMG OMG he’s hot.”)

Rich: I am not your girlfriend, you do not have to tell me.

Me: But he does look like a dancer don’t you think?

Rich: Again, not your girlfriend. (In my head, “Oh Lawd)
